Here is some information regarding to my

Crystallization condition:

0.9M-1.7M Ammonium Tartrate Dibasic

50mM-150mM Bis-Tris Propane (pH7.0 &
6.5) / 50mM-150mM Tris (pH7.5 & 8.5)


Protein buffer contains 50mM ADA, pH6.5,
100mM NaCl, 10mM B-ME  

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 01:50:18 +0100
Subject: [ccp4bb] suggestion on improving sea urchin like crystals

Dear All,


I am currently working on a ligand bound
protein complex. From my initial crystallization screens I have identified a
condition which gives me sea urchin like crystals. I managed to repeat these
crystals in my optimization conditions, in fact I can see crystals in all the
wells but there is no significant difference between them. All conditions give
me similar size and amount of crystals. To confirm these are protein crystals
or not, I tried expose the crystals to X-ray beam (in-house). Good news is that
I have no obvious salt diffraction at high resolution, but the bad news is my
low resolution diffractions are not really believable. In addition, these
crystals seem to be quite easy to separate into needles but they are too small
to tell if they do crack like most the protein crystals.


I have attached a picture of my crystals
and the diffraction pattern I got at low resolution. 


I am hoping if anyone can suggest me on how
to improve or change the shape of these crystals if they are genuine protein



Many thanks Kind regards



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