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Hi Bernhard,

I may not know what students know as vectors. I was told at school
that the elements of a vector space are called vectors, and this was
actually repeated at university. Later I realised that when you
consider e.g. coordinate triplets as vectors there are quite a couple
of useful tools from the "vector world", including the specialised
vector product to e.g. calculate the distance between a point and a
plane, but also that there are caveats, e.g. that when I want to
rotate a molecule about its centre of mass I first must move that to
the origin before applying the rotation matrix to its coordinates and
then move them back.

Could you provide an example where treating a complex number as a
vector would lead a student to a mistake, or a misconception?


On 04/02/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> Now we are drilling down to the real issue (thanks, Alexei, with
> whom I had almost the same discussion off board earlier):
> The fact is (and here I follow in some form Ian's line of argument)
> that geometric vectors in R2 and R3 have properties beyond the
> axiomatic definition of a vector space. Alas, that is what we are
> dealing with (at least the students of crystallography in BMC) 
> here, and the warning not to treat complex numbers the same as what
> students
> know as 'vectors' seems appropriate.
> But I concede that this should be made more clear in the second
> edition of the offending side bar (where regurgitations of
> Wikipedia usually don't cut it). In this instance more accuracy at
> the expense of some parsimony can be justified.
> Cheers, BR
> -----Original Message----- From: Tim Gruene
> [mailto:t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de] Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014
> 2:13 PM To: b...@hofkristallamt.org Cc: Bernhard Rupp;
> CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Structure factor
> equation
> Dear Bernhard,
> I don't need to because the vector product is not a requirement for
> a vector space. It is something very specific to R^3, i.e. in most
> vector spaces you would have trouble defining a vector product - do
> you know the angle between two polynomials?
> Cheers, Tim
> On 04/02/2014 01:58 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
>>> complex numbers together with the operation '+' defined in the
>>>  canonical
>> way fulfill the axioms of a vector space, hence complex number
>> are vectors.
>> Axiomatically yes but could you please define the vector products
>> for complex numbers?
>> Thx, BR

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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