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Dear Ian,

I don't see the problem because I did not substitute 'scalar' for
'complex number'.

I prefer a more practical approach, so when it is helpful to describe
a problem by using the vector space (C, +), I shall do so, and in this
context I shall call the complex number vectors. When I want to
describe a problem with the field (C, +, *), a shall do so, and I
gratefully use functions as exp, log, etc, for which obviously the
multiplication is a required operation.


On 04/02/2014 02:39 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
> On 2 April 2014 12:49, Tim Gruene <t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de> wrote:
>> P.S.: complex numbers together with the operation '+' defined in
>> the canonical way fulfill the axioms of a vector space, hence
>> complex number are vectors. If you also take the operation '*'
>> into account, defined in the canonical way, (C, +, *) fulfills
>> the axioms of a field, which is an algebra, but not a vector
>> space. So it depends on your point of you, just like with photons
>> and their interpretation as waves or as particles: pick what
>> suits you best depending on what you want to describe.
> The problem with this is that if you substitute 'scalar' for
> 'complex number' the first part of your first sentence becomes
> "scalars together with the operation '+' defined in the canonical
> way fulfill the axioms of a vector space" which is still a
> perfectly true statement.  However then applying your conclusion,
> i.e. "hence scalars are vectors" we get a false statement because
> scalars are not the same thing as vectors in 1-space.  A scalar
> satisfies all the axioms of a vector space (associativity, 
> commutativity, distributivity, identity, inverse, addition etc.),
> but that doesn't make it a vector, because a scalar satisfies other
> axioms (e.g. multiplication & addition) that a vector doesn't.  The
> additive property of complex numbers (as well as all the axiomatic
> properties of a vector space as applied to them) work perfectly
> well if you treat them as scalars, e.g. addition: (a + i b) + (c +
> i d) = (a+c) + i (b + d), so why lose out on all the other useful
> properties of complex numbers (multiplication, complex conjugate
> etc) when it's completely unnecessary?
> A complex number is invariably defined as the scalar (a + i b) not
> the vector (a,b) because otherwise you miss out on most of its
> useful properties that are not shared by vectors.  Conversely you
> don't lose anything by not treating a complex number as a vector
> (e.g. as indicated above vector addition still works).  Complex
> numbers behave like scalars in all other respects, e.g. we can take
> sine, cosine, log, exp etc (and of course multiplication and
> division as you point out) of a complex number which you can't do
> with a vector.  You could of course define say the exp of a complex
> number differently as a vector exp(a,b) = (exp(a),exp(b)) (i.e.
> like the array function in F90), but again an array is not the
> same thing as a vector and also since we have already defined a
> complex number as a scalar via de Moivre's theorem: exp(a+ib) =
> cos(a) + i sin(b), to define it differently would be very
> confusing!
> -- Ian

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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