All, I'm having problems refining a structure with an N-terminal acetylated
MET residue.  I'm trying it with both Refmac & Buster.  Buster works fine &
gives perfect planar geometry for the ACE-MET linkage.  Refmac gives a
pyramidal acetyl group after refinement which to my eyes is wrong (sp2 C

I have this line in my input PDB:

LINKR        C   ACE A   0                 N   MET A   1

which as I understand it should solve the problem.  However, looking at the
CIF entry for the ACE_C-N link I see restraints defined for bonds, angles &
torsion angles but not for the CC(=O)N plane.  So the problem seems to be
that the planar restraints for this link group are missing - or are they
defined elsewhere?  Anyway I added planar restraints to the ACE_C-N link
entry & it solves the problem, at least for regularisation - I still have
the same problem with refinement.  Refmac in regularisation mode now gives
the correct (planar) geometry for the ACE-MET linkage.  I'm just puzzled
why no-one has noticed this, after all post-translational acetylation is
surely not that uncommon (according to Wikipedia > 80% of human proteins
are N-term acetylated!).

Further, looking at the entry for ACE I see:

ACE      ACE 'ACETYL GROUP                        ' non-polymer         7
3 .

 ACE           O      O    O         0.000      0.000    0.000    0.000
 ACE           C      C    C1        0.000     -1.044   -0.606    0.000
 ACE           H      H    H         0.000     -1.978   -0.069    0.000
 ACE           CH3    C    CH3       0.000     -1.041   -2.113    0.000
 ACE           H3     H    H         0.000     -0.541   -2.464    0.865
 ACE           H2     H    H         0.000     -2.038   -2.468    0.000
 ACE           H1     H    H         0.000     -0.540   -2.464   -0.864

Where did the extra H atom (3rd atom) come from?  Acetyl is CH3C=O: the
extra H atom would make it acetaldehyde which of course has nothing
whatsoever to do with acetylation!  Is this the reason for the lack of
planar link restraints (though that wouldn't explain why the other link
restraints are present)?

Any insights appreciated!


-- Ian

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