Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the second CeBEM/CCP4 South American School in Macromolecular Crystallography. This year's school will take place at Sao Carlos University in Brazil. Full details including the program and application information can be found at the school website:


"Macromolecular Crystallography School 2014: From data processing to structure refinement and beyond"


April 8th to 16th 2014

Purpose of the course and intended audience:

The course is intended mainly for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young scientists in the area of structural biology. The school is not meant as an introductory level course to protein crystallography. It is designed more for applicants with reasonable expertise in crystallography and experience with the CCP4 suite. The purpose of the school is to address specific problems that the applicants face while processing diffraction data and while solving and refining novel structures. Applicants with diffraction data (solved, partially solved or unsolved) will be given strong consideration, although these are not mandatory requirements.

The workshop will cover many popular programs used for data processing and structure solution with the software developers available to help throughout the week. Programs covered will include: Mosflm, Aimless, XDS, Refmac, ARP/wARP, Phaser, Crank, ARCIMBOLDO, Coot, SHELXC/D/E, Balbes, MrBUMP, Buccaneer and many more.

Grants will be available for traveling students needing assistance with funding.

Best wishes,

Eduardo, Garib, Richard and Ronan

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