Currently, PhD positions are available at Leiden University, Leiden
Institute of Chemistry, within the project "in shape for
photoregulation: molecular plasticity in photosynthesis" financed by a
VIDI grant of the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.
*Job description*
The solid-state NMR Lab at Leiden University applies advanced NMR
methods for natural and artificial photosynthesis research. In a new
group led by Dr. Anjali Pandit financed by a VIDI grant, the researchers
will characterize the structure and dynamics of photosynthetic membrane
proteins. In the photosynthetic antenna of plants and algae,
light-harvesting proteins act as molecular switches that harvest
sunlight or dissipate light energy to prevent photodamage. Open
questions are how the protein structure controls these photophysical
functions and how the molecular switch is activated in the membrane. NMR
spectroscopy is a powerful technique for addressing these questions, as
it combines atomic resolution with the opportunity to study proteins
under near-native conditions. While the research questions are
fundamental, the answers are relevant for optimizing photosynthetic
production of biomass and biofuels.
You hold an MSc degree in (bio)physics or (bio)chemistry with excellent
grades and have a genuine interest to perform research on the
intersection between physics, chemistry and biology. Experience with
biological NMR or a related spectroscopic method is a strong plus. As
the research will be carried out in an international and
interdisciplinary environment, other requirements are excellent
communication skills and good skills in written and spoken English. You
will publish the results in international peer-reviewed journals and
conclude the project with a doctoral thesis.
*Conditions of employment*
Appointment will be according to the terms of the Collective Labour
Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten), for a
period of one year with an extension of three years after positive
evaluation of capabilities and compatibility. The gross monthly salary
is set on EUR 2.042,- in the first year up to EUR 2.612,- in year four.
An appointment with Leiden University includes a pension build-up and
facilitates other benefits such as an annual holiday premium of 8% and
an end-of-year premium of 8.3%.
*Further information and application*
Motivated candidates should send their application, including CV,
motivation letter and names and contact details of at least 2 references
to Dr. Anjali Pandit:
More information can be found at the website
Anjali Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant professor (tenure track, Vidi laureate)
LCP101, LCP building, Gorlaeus Laboratories
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
The Netherlands
tel.+31 (0)71 527 4198
fax +31 (0)71 527 4603