Dear Andrew, As previously I posted a MR case which has a significant 95% off origin peak, some experts suggested to reprocess the data with cutting one axis to half, from 40A to 20A. I tried HKL2000 and XDS, none of them is willing to give a solution with 20A, even I specify it in XDS script. So I wonder is there any way to force this work to be done. Thanks!
Best, Niu On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Andrew Leslie <>wrote: > Dear Niu, > > It depends on which part of processing you are referring > to, i.e. the indexing step or the integration step. In MOSFLM there is no > way to enforce cell dimensions during indexing, but providing there is an > indexing solution that has cell dimensions close to the ones you want, you > can enforce a (slightly) different set of cell dimensions during the > integration step. Normally other refined parameters will ensure that you > still get a good prediction of spot positions. > > I suspect that this can be done in other programs too. > > Without knowing why you want to do this, I cannot comment on whether this > is the best procedure to follow. > > Best wishes, > > Andrew > > > > On 18 Nov 2013, at 21:48, Niu Tou <> wrote: > > > Dear All, > > > > Does any one know how to strictly fix the cell dimensions during data > processing? In HKL2000 there is only a keyword to define the longest > vector. In XDS there is a option to input cell parameters, but sometimes > the program would not follow the input values > > and switch back to the one it thinks best. Any suggestions will be > appreciated. Thanks! > > > > Best, > > Niu > >