In PDB format files, each polymer is assigned a unique chain ID. Chain IDs for all bound moieties and waters are assigned based on their proximity (number of contacts) to the nearest polymer. Once the polymers and non-polymer residues associated with them are assigned chain IDs, they are also assigned unique residue numbering with the order polymer residues, ligands and then waters.

Please see:

The wwPDB has established this rule to improve the usability and interpretation of the structural data. Assigning the same chain ID for all moieties associated with a polymer enables rapid and uniform identification of feature analysis.

Rachel Green

Rachel Kramer Green, Ph.D.




On 10/30/2013 8:09 AM, Eugene Krissinel wrote:
This is to be answered by PDB people, who definitely read BB :)

Would be nice to have a tool common between CCP4/Phenix and the PDB which sorts 
this out


On 30 Oct 2013, at 12:09, Andreas Förster wrote:

Dear all,

this water discussion is flowing increasingly towards a place where I feel a 
bit out of my depth.

What is the convention for numbering water molecules?  Is there preference for:

- putting waters into a separate chain (W for water or S for solvent)?
- splitting waters according to the peptide chains in the structure?
- appending all waters to chain A?



On 30/10/2013 11:57, MARTYN SYMMONS wrote:
At deposition the PDB runs a script that renumbers authors'  waters
according to a scheme based on the residue they are nearest from N to C
terminus along each chain. This renumbering started  when waters were
assigned to macromolecular chains rather than getting a chain id of
their own.  I have failed to find the rationale explained in any PDB
documents - but it could be motivated by this sort of consideration when
waters from different chains or entries are to be compared. Having said
that I do not know if there are any cases where this approach has
successfully matched waters. ..

However an associated step which is certainly a help is that, in the
case of multiple chains, the crystal symmetry is applied to replace
waters with their symmetry equivalent position if it is closer to a
different chain.

I believe a freely available program implementing a similar approach is
WATERTIDY in CCP4 which might be a good place to start.  It gives a
pretty complete output, detailing residues actually H-bonded to the
waters, and you could parse that for further analysis and comparisons.

Best wishes.
                  Andreas Förster
     Crystallization and Xray Facility Manager
           Centre for Structural Biology
              Imperial College London

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