Hi David,
I've just renamed the ipmosflm in $CCP4/bin to ipmosflm_new and then
MOSFLM_EXEC as /path/to/ccp4-6.3.0/bin/ipmosflm.
CCP4 6.3 needs to be installed for this to work.
On 23/10/2013 5:39, David Schuller wrote:
iMosflm developers:
I have installed CCP4 6.4.0, which includes iMosflm 1.0.7 and ipmosflm
This is on Scientific Linux 6.x, 64 bit distribution.
When I run iMosflm either from the command shell or from the ccp4i
interface, I get an error just like this:
iMosflm claims it cannot run without mosflm 7.0.9, followed by output
indicating that mosflm 7.0.9 runs. (See attached screen capture of error
Note the linked description is for the previous versions of imosflm amd
mosflm, so this error seems to be a repeat.
I downloaded the iMosflm and ipmosflm executables from the iMosflm web
site, put ipmosflm in my executable directory, and this seems to fix the
You should get the CCP4 folks to investigate this and propagate a fix.
Andreas Förster
Crystallization and Xray Facility Manager
Centre for Structural Biology
Imperial College London