Dear Mahesh,

Are all the structures at similar resolution?  Definition of secondary 
structure is, and can be, affected by the level of geometric 
restraints/constraints used in the refinement process.


Dr Antony W Oliver
Senior Research Fellow
CR-UK DNA Repair Enzymes Group
Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Science Park Road
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RQ

tel (office): +44 (0)1273 678349
tel (lab): +44 (0)1273 677512

On Oct 21, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Mahesh Lingaraju wrote:

> Hello experts 
> Thanks for your insights. 
> For one of the structures, it turned out to be a rendering issue by pymol 
> like matt pointed out. For the other, the residues are clearly in a less than 
> ideal position. Even if I see deviation from the RMSD plots, i cannot be sure 
> that the structure were refined ideally at those positions ( those are not my 
> structures, i just have the pdb files from my collaborator). 
> Thanks again, 
> Mahesh
> P.S from what all of you are saying it sounds like those changes are not 
> real, if I find that they could be Ill let everyone know. 

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