Here is some more info on the data:

lowest res. shell (50-8.0A): Rsym=4.4%, I/sig=100.
detector ADSC315, 1 degree oscillations, mosaicity around 0.3

The Rsym stays high whether I merge just the first 30 frames or 200 frames.
Wouldn't that speak against radiation damage?

The crystals were grown from 2.5 M sodium formate and cryoprotected in 2.8
M sodium formate, 30% glycerol.


On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Dominika Borek <>wrote:

> There are several possibilities:
> (1) Radiation damage causes such bump in R-merge at medium resolution
> (2) Crystallization in very high salt that absorbs causes such behaviour,
> e.g. if your crystallized from 2M sulfate.
> (3) Very short exposure time -- very short means shorter than 1 second per
> image -- that results in large errors due to goniostat instability.
> (4) Very short exposure may also result in errors due to shutter problems.
> (5) Very weak diffraction. All errors will be "better" visible with weak
> diffraction.
> Any combination of the above factors is also possible.
> What are R-merges in the lowest resolution shell i.e. 50-8 A? If they are
> high too -- this is probably goniostat, shutter or beam instability. If
> they are low in the lowest resolution shell -- this probably radiation
> damage.
> What is the mosaicity? Low means lower than 1 degree for some people, for
> others less than 0.1 degree?
> What detector was used to collect data? Oscillation step? What is I/s(I)
> in the lowest resolution shell?
> Dominika
> Ursula Schulze-Gahmen wrote:
> > I have a data set with high Rsym in the lower resolution ranges, and I
> > don't understand what is going on.
> >
> > The crystal diffracts to about 3.0 A and has large cell dimension ( space
> > group P6522 a= 185., c= 360.) Mosaicity is low.  I processed the data in
> > P6522, solved the structure and refined it. The maps look good and the
> > structure refines very well to R/Rfree of 20.5, 23.5%.
> >
> > But the dataset has a total Rsym of 22%, a redundancy of 20, an Rpim of
> > 7.6%, and CC1/2 of 0.55 in the highest resolution shell.
> > The problem seems to be in the lower resolution region around 8-5.5A. The
> > Rsym there is around 20%, it actually has a bump in this resolution
> region
> > and is slightly lower at 5.0 A before it steadily increases to higher
> > resolution. The high Rsym region between 8-5.5 A correlates with very low
> > I/sig which also increases again around 5.0 A and then steadily
> decreases.
> > The diffraction image shows very weak spots too.
> >
> > My question is: Is it likely that the data are processed correctly and
> the
> > crystal packing causes this strange diffraction pattern, or is there
> > something wrong with the data processing or the crystal?
> >
> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Ursula
> >
> Dominika Borek, Ph.D. *** UT Southwestern Medical Center
> 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. *** Dallas, TX 75390-8816
> 214-645-6378 (phone) *** 214-645-6353 (fax)

Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D.
Assistant Researcher
UC Berkeley, QB3
356 Stanley Hall #3220
Berkeley, CA 94720-3220

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