Thanks for this other suggestions similar (see  below.)
My problem is not the distances per se, these restrain fine to 2.3A

I am relatively low resolution and my problem is with just distance restraints 
I move to a square planar arrangement. I suspect this is a feature of the 
geometry restraints dominating refinement (c'est la vie at low res). 
I do not force Zn to be anything (the cif file just has a distance) I think. 

What I need to do is create another restraint someone how that imposes a Td 

What I cannot figure how to do is set this up because it involves 5 residues (4 
cys and 1 Zn).


Jim Naismith
BSRC, North Haugh

Google scholar is free and tracks your outputs, mine are

ResearcherID H-3408-2012; SCOPUS_ID 7005691850

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532k

On 6 Jun 2013, at 16:11, Roger Rowlett <> wrote:

> You can find instructions for restraining Zn-ligand distances here:
> Using this method, only Zn-ligand bond distances are restrained. REFMAC can 
> usually find on its own certain Zn-atom linkages (I think it can find ZN-SG 
> bonds with Cys by itself, but the version I am using usually misses or ZN-OD1 
> or ZN-OD2 bonds with Asp. This I pick up in the .cif file generated by REFMAC 
> and include in a library file to be used for refinement. I have not had any 
> issues with REFMAC altering ZN geometry. What you describe sounds like the 
> geometry of the ZN atom has been defined or assumed somewhere in your 
> approach.
> Cheers,
> _______________________________________
> Roger S. Rowlett
> Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
> Department of Chemistry
> Colgate University
> 13 Oak Drive
> Hamilton, NY 13346
> tel: (315)-228-7245
> ofc: (315)-228-7395
> fax: (315)-228-7935
> email:
> On 6/6/2013 10:36 AM, James Naismith wrote:
>> I have a structure that I am trying to finish off, I have Zn ligated by four 
>> cys residues.
>> I use the linkR and define distances (the same link for each ZnS bond)
>> My issue is how to stop the structure moving to a square pyramid (consistent 
>> with distance restraints) rather than a tetrahedral geometry.
>> Can anyone help?
>> best
>> Jim
>> Jim Naismith
>> BSRC, North Haugh
>> Google scholar is free and tracks your outputs, mine are
>> ResearcherID H-3408-2012; SCOPUS_ID 7005691850
>> The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No 
>> SC013532k

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