I dare say indefinitely. Your crystal life expectancy drops rapidly though with 
somebody not remembering to fill up the dewar. Transferring crystals to pucks 
etc. is another problem. I had some crystals which I could not remember what 
they were (label broke off the cane) and we simply reshoot them after >1 year 
and figured out it was the usual suspect from the cell dimensions.


On May 22, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Careina Edgooms wrote:

Does anybody know how long one could store a crystal in liquid nitrogen for 
before it will no longer diffract well? I'm talking in the order of weeks to 

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-2926

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