Following on a BBSRC New Investigator Award, a post-doctoral position is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Alessandro Vannini, Division of Structural Biology at The Institute of Cancer Research in London ( We are looking for highly motivated and creative individuals with a strong interest in structural characterization of large multi-subunit complexes. We currently employ single particle electron microscopy analysis and x-ray crystallography, as well as biochemical and biochemical analysis, to elucidate the role of the RNA Polymerase III transcription apparatus in cancer and other fundamental cellular processes.
The Division of Structural Biology has managed facilities for protein crystallography (Bruker Microstar and CCD detector and crystallisation robots), cryo-electron microscopy (FEI Tecnai F20 and T12), and protein production with expertise in multi-subunit expression (insect cell, yeast and bacterial expression, including a 60 L fermentor). The Division is also well equipped with equipment for biophysical analysis (e.g. ITC, fluorescence, multi-angle light scattering). Applicants should possess a PhD (or equivalent) in biochemistry or molecular biology with a sound knowledge of multi-subunit complex production and purification. Experience in purification of multi-subunit protein complexes and yeast genetics is essential for this post. Experience in protein crystallography and/or single particle electron microscopy and protein production in insect cells (MultiBac) would be desirable, but individuals with a strong background in yeast genetics and/or biochemistry of multi-subunit complexes wishing to learn structural biology techniques will be taken into serious consideration. Appointment will be on Fixed Term Contract for 2 years in the first instance, with a starting salary in the range of £28,087 to £33,318 p.a. inclusive (based on previous post-doctoral experience). Informal enquiries to and applications must be submitted in line with the instructions on our website:, quoting reference 1336320. Closing date June 20th 2013. Dr. Alessandro Vannini Team Leader, Division of Structural Biology The Institute of Cancer Research Chester Beatty Laboratories 237 Fulham Road London, SW3 6JB United Kingdom