
*11th International Conference: Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (BSR)
8-11 September 2013, EMBL Hamburg, Germany *


*Abstract submission deadline is approaching! <http://www.embl-hamburg.de/training/events/2013/BSR13-01/registration/?utm_source=eventmailing&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_content=bsr13-04&utm_campaign=bsr>***

*Join us in Hamburg, Germany for BSR 2013!*

Scientists at all possible career levels are invited to this meeting*. *Check out our preliminary programme <http://www.embl-hamburg.de/training/events/2013/BSR13-01/programme/index.html?utm_source=eventmailing&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_content=bsr13-04&utm_campaign=bsr> to learn more!

*Young researchers *are highly welcome to apply for a travel grant <http://www.bsr2013.org/BSR13-01/info/index.html> from the International Union of Crystallography when registering.

*Present your work! **
*Selected talks and poster sessions provide great opportunities for participants to present their work. Unique *networking opportunities* are also available to meet colleagues, friends and future collaboration partners from all over the world.

*Discover the city of Hamburg! **
*BSR 2013 includes asocial programme <http://www.bsr2013.org/BSR13-01/attractions/index.html> with boat trips and day and night excursions. Accompanying persons will enjoy special rates!

A tour of DESY's <http://www.bsr2013.org/BSR13-01/desy/index.html?utm_source=eventmailing&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_content=bsr13-04&utm_campaign=bsr> most impressive research infrastructures - including PETRA, FLASH and the future X-FEL -- is included in the registration fee.

*Dates at a glance:*

·*Registration and abstract submission: 1 June 2013*

·Registration without abstract: 1 August 2013

Take a look at the updated BSR webpage (www.bsr2013.org <http://www.bsr2013.org>) for more information and to register.

diah.yulia...@embl.de <mailto:diah.yulia...@embl.de?subject=I%20would%20like%20to%20have%20information%20about%2011th%20International%20Conference%20on%20Biology%20and%20Synchrotron%20Radiation%20%28BSR%29>

Alternatively, contact us on the event facebook page <http://de-de.facebook.com/events/332259356868854/?utm_source=eventmailing&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_content=bsr13-04&utm_campaign=bsr>

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