I can not really speak for a home-source setup, but here at the SLS MX group we run two Pilatus6M (one of which is the first Pilatus ever made) and one Pilatus2M. In nearly four years since we installed the first one we never had any hardware issue other than users damaging the case. So I'd say the reliability of the DECTRIS detectors is excellent. Cheers, Florian
------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Scherrer Institut Dr. Florian Dworkowski Beamline Scientist X10SA Swiss Light Source WSLA/219 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Phone +41 56 310 3584 Fax +41 56 310 5292 florian.dworkow...@psi.ch http://www.psi.ch/macromolecular-crystallography <blocked::http://www.psi.ch/macromolecular-crystallography> ________________________________ From: Fareed Aboul-Ela [mailto:faboul...@zewailcity.edu.eg] Sent: Dienstag, 30. April 2013 21:01 Subject: detectors on home sources I'm involved in advising my institute on an X-ray home source for a core facility. The vendors are offering some new configurations. Whatever the claimed advantages/disadvantages, I'm hesitant to make a decision without consulting someone with direct experience with them. In particular, has anyone had any experience with using the "photon100" CMOS detector being offered by Bruker, or the "pilatus 200K" detector being offered by Rigaku? I'd also appreciate hearing from anyone with experience with the latest Bruker microfocus rotating anode generator (called the Turbo or TXS)? Many thanks for sharing your experiences. Fareed Aboul-ela Associate Professor Zewail University Zewail City of Science and Technology Giza, Egypt faboul...@zewailcity.edu.eg