Sorry - I went back to look at that. The ipad app for pymol does not
have an option to load a map. You can only load structures. I like
that you can load your own structures (from a dropbox folder), that's
nice. It's very powerful, and I can do a lot with it, but I would like
to show electron density and can't find a way.
I got good suggestions yesterday. Imolview does work well for loading
pdb files. I don't have a way to get the browser that goes with it to
run on my linux box. I tried it, but was unsuccessful, so I don't know
if it displays density or not. The CueMol does not show density. So,
both of these are nice for pdb files (I like Imolview better), but
neither will easily show electron density.
I just want an app that will display a pdb file and a map file. I can
convert maps to whatever format is necessary (as long as it's
crystallographic). That I can't seem to find.
No worries. Thanks for all the suggestions
On 5/2/2013 2:35 AM, Tim Gruene wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Hi Dave,
could you explain what you mean by "it doesn't work"? I understand
that you convert a ccp4 mtz-file to ccp4 map format (which pymol can
read) and load it into pymol on your ipad which does not display. Is
this correct? If so, do you get any error messages?
Could you use coot instead?
On 05/01/2013 09:56 PM, David Roberts wrote:
Hello all,
So, I find an ipad is a wonderful device for teaching (any tablet
really - but I'm partial to the ipad). I can project it in a
classroom, run pymol and a few other chemistry/biochemistry things,
and really get the students interested in these subjects easily. I
actually don't have a laptop - and our classrooms are such that
there are computers connected to the projectors but they have
standard University software packages installed on them.
It would be very helpful if I could just display electron density
using an ipad. The pymol app will load a map (it is an option) -
but when I take a map from my linux machines it doesn't work. Any
thoughts here? Has anybody done this
- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen
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