Dear Colleagues

The 28th European Crystallography Meeting will be held in Warwick University 
Arts Centre from 25th to 29th August 2013.

The Programme and Abstract submission guidelines (deadline 31st May) are at:

Early Bird registration closes on 6th May.

For each of the 40 Microsymposia, 3 talks will be chosen from the submitted 

There will be a special Bragg Symposium on the first morning and a Bragg 

Do plan to come and bring your students: the meeting promises to be a real 
celebration of 100 years of crystallography!

Best wishes

  Professor Elspeth F. Garman,
  Director Systems Biology Programme, Doctoral Training Centre.
Postal address:
  Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics,
  Department of Biochemistry,
  University of Oxford,              Tel: (44)-1865-613297
  South Parks Road,                  FAX: (44)-1865-613201
  OXFORD, OX1 3QU, U.K.     E-mail:<>
The University of Oxford's Doctoral Training Centre has three available 
programmes for October 2013 entry: Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training 
Centre; Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre; and Systems Approaches to 
Biomedical Science Industrial Doctorate Centre.

To find out more, visit:

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