Dear all, those of you working in the membrane protein and/or carbohydrate field may be very interested in attending a 1 day workshop which will highlight the unique capabilities of the CD beamline B23, at Diamond. The workshop is focused on how the technique can aid your research in these key areas.
The workshop will be a dynamic mix of introducing beamline basics, how to get beamtime, sample requirements & experimental possibilities as well as a series of science case studies from recent users of the beamline and ample time for discussions with both beamline staff and experienced users. There is a limited number of places so register now to avoid disappointment! Full details and registration for the workshop are available from the this link: Diamond B23 circular dichroism beamline Workshop Series / University of Leeds / University of Liverpool<> B23 Roadshow Series - Membrane Protein and Carbohydrate Research Workshop Friday 31 May 2013, The Metropole Hotel, Leeds Hosted by: Diamond Light Source, University of Leeds and University of Liverpool On the 31th May 2013, Diamond Light Source (DLS), together with the University of Leeds and University of Liverpool will hold a one-day workshop dedicated to membrane protein and carbohydrate research, with a particular view to promote the synchrotron based CD beamline B23 for these biological materials. The event will be held at The Metropole Hotel<>, Leeds, a convenient location well accessible using public transport. The workshop is free to attend and includes refreshments and lunch, but registration is limited to 50 places. Successful registrants will be expected to reconfirm their place nearer the time in order to give those on a reserved list a chance to take up any cancellation places. Confirmed speakers Simon Patching, Leeds University Konstantinos Beis, Imperial College London Bonnie Wallace, Birkbeck College Marcelo Lima, Federal University of Sao Paolo David Middleton, Liverpool University Paul Walton, York University Alex Cameron, Warwick University Giuliano Siligardi & Rohanah Hussain, Diamond Light Source B23 For details on the workshop and to register, please visit the website<>. This will be the second event in a series of Road shows to highlight Diamond Light Source B23 throughout the country. The next event is scheduled to take place in Liverpool on the 1st November 2013 on the topic of Material Science. If you are interested in participating in future events please email Rohanah Hussain<>. With best wishes, Rohanah Hussain, Giuliano Siligardi, Peter Henderson and Edwin Yates.