On 03/20/13 13:25, Kyriacos Petratos wrote:
Dear All,

we have two data sets at about 0.9 and 1.9 Ang. resolution collected from a single crystal. Integration with iMosflm seems to be fine like the scaling within each of the data sets. When we try to merge and scale both of them with 'Scala' we get extremely high scale factors for the lower resolution images varying between approximately 30 and 200! Do we need to pay attention to some particular options for running the program(s)?
Thank you,

e-mail: petra...@imbb.forth.gr

Is this a space group with alternate settings? Perhaps the two data sets were indexed with different settings.

Did you limit the low resolution for the 0.9 A data set to exclude overloads?

All Things Serve the Beam
                               David J. Schuller
                               modern man in a post-modern world
                               MacCHESS, Cornell University

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