Hi Gengxiang,

Personally I find it impossible to reliably assign a space group from
integrated reflections because you just don't know if the apparent
systematic absence violations are due to a TDS streak or overlapping
neighbouring strong spots.  "In the old days" (i.e. when we had precession
cameras) we would never do this: we would look at the images and see if
there was actually a spot at the Bragg position.  Now technology has
"advanced" and with rotation images it's much harder to do this.  Maybe
it's possible to make pseudo-precession images?

What I would do is assume the worst and assign it temporarily as P422; then
let the HA or MR program sort out the space group by trying all the
possibilities; it's only CPU time after all!

My 2p's worth.

-- Ian

On 15 March 2013 15:09, gengxiang zhao <gzh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear CCP4s,
> I am looking for more experienced concerns to determine which space group
> my crystal is. At present, we take it as P42212 (#94).
> HKL is below:
>       Intensities of systematic absences
>       h   k   l  Intensity     Sigma   I/Sigma
>       0   0   9     -58.6      40.8      -1.4
>       0   0  11    -204.4      53.9      -3.8
>       0   0  13     -57.1      62.8      -0.9
>       0   0  15    -470.6      92.7      -5.1
>       0   0  17    -626.1     105.1      -6.0
>       0   0  19     -64.7      62.4      -1.0
>       0   0  21     266.6      75.9       3.5
>       0   0  23    1372.4     116.4      11.8
>       0   0  25    -543.9      84.8      -6.4
>       0   0  27    -396.8      93.1      -4.3
>       0   0  29    -598.8     102.1      -5.9
>       0   0  31     617.4     116.2       5.3
>       0   0  33     445.4      93.8       4.7
>       0   0  35     -64.5      89.5      -0.7
>       7   0   0    -241.4     134.7      -1.8
>       9   0   0    -375.8      55.5      -6.8
>      11   0   0     -39.1      61.8      -0.6
>      13   0   0    -356.1      78.1      -4.6
>      15   0   0    -262.6      65.6      -4.0
>      17   0   0    -324.7      89.3      -3.6
>      19   0   0    -178.7      88.5      -2.0
>      21   0   0    -726.3     115.3      -6.3
>      23   0   0    -189.4     131.0      -1.4
>      25   0   0     157.7     157.5       1.0
>      27   0   0    -591.5     213.4      -2.8
>      29   0   0    -111.7     198.4      -0.6
>      31   0   0     -94.2     247.0      -0.4
>      33   0   0    -169.8     306.5      -0.6
>      35   0   0     -71.2     347.8      -0.2
>      39   0   0     -82.8     417.9      -0.2
> Thanks a lot.
> Best Wishes,
> Gengxiang

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