/Acta Cryst./ (2005). D*61*, 490-493 [ doi:10.1107/S0907444905002726
<http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0907444905002726> ]
Expanding screening space through the use of alternative
reservoirs in vapor-diffusion experiments
J. Newman
*Abstract:* Setting up vapor-diffusion crystallization experiments
against four different reservoir solutions showed that the reservoir
solution may have a profound effect on the outcome of a crystallization
experiment. This suggests that a facile way to increase crystallization
space through screening is not to add more crystallization conditions to
the process, but to set up the same conditions over different reservoirs.
On 13/11/2012 06:03, Theresa Hsu wrote:
Dear all
In *initial screening* using vapor diffusion crystallization, does it matter
whether the reservoir buffer is also the precipitant in the drop or just a high
salt solution like 5 M NaCl?
Thank you.