Le 28/08/12 09:57, cuisheng2007 a écrit : > Dear all: > > Is there software or web-server that can measure DNA geometry (PDB > coordinates) precisely, such as groove width, helix diameter, helix > axis, base tilt angle, helix rise per base pair… > > It is surely doable to measure and estimate them manually, but I am just > wondering if there are better ways or automatic ways. > > Many thanks > > sheng > > > > >
Dear Sheng, There are a number of them; these are three of them: Freehelix: ftp://ndbserver.rutgers.edu/NDB/programs/freehelix98/ Curves+: http://gbio-pbil.ibcp.fr/Curves_plus/Curves+.html X3DNA: http://x3dna.org/ Cheers, -- Miguel Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR7257) CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université Case 932, 163 Avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille cedex 9, France Tel: +33(0) 491 82 55 93 Fax: +33(0) 491 26 67 20 mailto:miguel.ortiz-lombar...@afmb.univ-mrs.fr http://w2.afmb.univ-mrs.fr/Miguel-Ortiz-Lombardia