Hi Christine, I'm just now catching up on some of your older posts, so this may be too late too help. For Fab crystallization, my successful protein stabilization buffer contained 20-50 mM MES pH 6.0 or 6.5 with the minimum possible amount of salt to stabilize the protein - 50 mM NaCl, perhaps. Low ionic strength seems to be useful for Fab crystallization, though I have seen 2.0 M ammonium sulfate work once.
Best, Anna On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Harman, Christine <christine.har...@fda.hhs.gov> wrote: > Hi All, > I was wondering if any of you could recommend a buffer to store my Fab > fragment for crystallization trials. My Fab is currently stored in 0.1M > Sodium Acetate pH5, 150mM NaCl and I have had some success with > crystallization hits (three conditions that have actually single crystals); > however reproducing these seemingly rare events again has been a problem. I > am doing another preparation and was thinking of trying a new buffer to > store my Fab in for crystallization trials. I have not determined the > precise pI of my Fab but it is predicted to be ~8-8.4 based on the sequence. > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks, > Christine >