I would advise against using anti-His FaBs for that particular purpose.
Even if you get them to bind to your complex, the inherent flexibility of
the terminal regions were His-tags are placed might ruin the final result,
and they're not cheap to begin with.

You can further characterize your system to spot if there are certain
experimental conditions that dissociate the complex, in order to avoid
designing crystallization trials that include those. There are a lot of
things to be tested before jumping into the Antibody train, and 200
conditions don't seem enough test ground to me for discarding traditional

Good luck,


2012/6/28 Theresa Hsu <theresah...@live.com>

> Dear crystallographers
> Trying to crystallize a membrane protein complex of 100 kDa with a soluble
> protein of 20 kDa which is interact with the membrane protein. So far, no
> co-crystals in > 200 conditions. Some conditions gave crystals but mass
> spec of crystals show only either one protein present. I am thinking of
> antibody but don't know where to start. Can I use the anti-His tag antibody?
> Thank you.

Dr. Jon Agirre
Biophysics Unit (CSIC-UPV/EHU)

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