On Wed, 30 May 2012 13:16:12 +0100
Ian Tickle <ianj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From the point of view of deciding which are the alternate settings I
> don't think it's helpful to consider polar directions anyway.  What
> matters is which symmetry axes of the lattice are not present in the
> point group. 

Possibly relevant here is a set of tables I put together for our
free-electron laser experiments, where tens or even hundreds of
thousands of patterns have to be indexed independently:


Underlying these tables is the same underlying information as
everything else mentioned on this thread, but these ones tell you
what the apparent symmetry would be if the intensities were mixed up
according to all the available indexing ambiguities.  So far, no-one
has been able to reliably resolve these ambiguities in our case: the
intensities are just obscured by too much noise, partiality, a spiky
X-ray spectrum and so on.  That's why we have to have so many
patterns.  For the time being, we just merge according to the higher
symmetry, accept that the data may be (perfectly) "twinned", and handle
it at the later stages.  Later on when we've hopefully solved this
problem, these tables will serve as a menu of options for doing the
whole thing backwards.

I agree that polarity isn't the right criterion.  Point group "2" is
polar but does not exhibit any indexing ambiguity.  Point group
4/m, which is most definitely not polar, does.  This paper, Le Page et
al., has some similar tables but lists the actual ambiguity operators:

Of course, all of this only covers "merohedral" ambiguities, not
"pseudo-merohedral" ones which might arise by accident in special

Comments on and corrections to the tables are welcome!


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