Dear All, Here comes the problem of blind reveiw, the authors are always at the receving end to share all there data, results and now the full cordinates to an unknown person, just trusting the journal editor. Why don't the journals think about making the name of the reviewer also public.
Eventhough the persons advocated giving the cordinates, there were cases of holding the paper for reveiw for few months and finally rejecting it, while a very close article appeared as accelerated publn within few weeks of rejection of the original paper. Refer to the previous discussion on fake structure. Again it depends on how close you are towards the acceptance. Also hesitation to give away your cordiantes without any guarantee of publishing it in that journal cannot be considered as a big sin, especially if someone's graduation is depend on a single paper. Jobi On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 6:34 AM, Marc Kvansakul <> wrote: > Dear CCP4BBlers, > > I was wondering how common it is that reviewers request to have a copy of > the PDB coordinate file for the review purpose. I have just been asked to > supply this by an editor after several weeks of review, after one of the > reviewers requested a copy. > > Not having ever been asked to do this before I feel just a tad uncomfortable > about handing this over… > > Your opinions would be greatly appreciated. > > Best wishes > > Marc > > Dr. Marc Kvansakul > Laboratory Head, NHMRC CDA Fellow > Dept. of Biochemistry| La Trobe University | Bundoora > Rm 218, Phys Sci Bld 4, Kingsbury Drive, Melbourne, 3086, Australia > T: 03 9479 2263 | F: 03 9479 2467 | E: | >