apart from radation damage it could be a combination of: 
- too tight restraints on the B-factors 
- 9 sigma not being that much on a the e/A3 scale, i.e. your difference map is 
very flat (which is good) and the few peaks that remain stand out a lot, even 
if their absolute height is low... 

Quoting Chris Meier:


Dear all,

I am refining the X-ray structure of a protein:
Data to ~2A were collected at a latest-generation synchrotron.
The 2fo-Fc maps are crisp, the model of the protein is complete and I
am reasonably happy with the stats (R below 20%, Rfree below 25% in
Refmac 5.5).

However, I am seeing a lot of negative difference density,
especially around sulphur atoms (negative density around -9 sigma)
and oxygen atoms (e.g. side-chain oxygens of Glu, Asp, etc. residues
with negative density around -6 sigma).

Has anyone observed this before?

I have found CCP4bb postings discussing radiation damange of suplphur
Can this also happen with oxygen atoms?

What would be an appropriate way to deal with this issue during

Suggestions greatly appreciated.


Mark J van Raaij
Laboratorio M-4
Dpto de Estructura de Macromoléculas
Centro Nacional de BiotecnologĂ­a - CSIC
c/Darwin 3, Campus Cantoblanco
28049 Madrid
tel. 91 585 4616
email: mjvanra...@cnb.csic.es 

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