Hi Chris

I would say there's something very wrong if you're seeing -6 sigma
difference peaks at O atoms.  I don't see how this can be explained by
radiation damage.  I for one have never seen that before in a
structure where there weren't other obvious issues (or maybe I just
haven't looked hard enough).

I would try refining it with a different program, e.g. Buster, or even
a different version of Refmac (I use 5.6.x routinely, but I see
there's a 5.7.x now - Garib will no doubt have an opinion on which is
the best one to use).  At least that will eliminate the software as
the origin of the problem: if it doesn't go away then we'll have to
think again.


-- Ian

On 4 April 2012 16:16, Chris Meier <crystallogra...@christophmeier.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am refining the X-ray structure of a protein:
> Data to ~2A were collected at a latest-generation synchrotron.
> The 2fo-Fc maps are crisp, the model of the protein is complete and I am 
> reasonably happy with the stats (R below 20%, Rfree below 25% in Refmac 5.5).
> However, I am seeing a lot of negative difference density,
> especially around sulphur atoms (negative density around -9 sigma)
> and oxygen atoms (e.g. side-chain oxygens of Glu, Asp, etc. residues with 
> negative density around -6 sigma).
> Has anyone observed this before?
> I have found CCP4bb postings discussing radiation damange of suplphur atoms
> (e.g. http://www.dl.ac.uk/list-archive-public/ccp4bb/2004-07/msg00532.html ).
> Can this also happen with oxygen atoms?
> What would be an appropriate way to deal with this issue during refinement?
> Suggestions greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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