Dear All,
I have few papers in hand which explain me about microseeding, matrix
microseeding, and cross seeding.I have also read few earlier threads and some
more literature in google.Using Phoenix robot, I did a matrix micro-seeding and
matrix cross seeding. I have few hits with this.In 96 well I used 100+100+50 nL
and 200+200+50 nl (protein+screen+seed) in separate expts.I have hard time to
plan to translate this 96 sitting drop well plate to 24 well plate to refine
the conditions to get better crystals. only 1-2 hits are small crystals and
they are tiny.
I wonder in 24 well plate, if I should do-1) for Example 500+500+50nl (I am
sure I cant add less that 500 nL precisely)2) to a drop of 500+500 nL do
microseeding/streaking with a hair
I appreciate if you could advise and share some practical ways to further my
Thanks in advanceRegards,Rajesh