Dear All:

I appreciate for your comments and inputs.

Thank you


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Shekhar Mande <>wrote:

> Well....just to add, it has been our contention that many of the metal
> ions have been modelled as waters in several structures- due perhaps to the
> lack of sufficiently high resolution data.  We published some of the
> potential metal binding sites in many structures a few years ago:
> Proteins. 2008 Mar;70(4):1206-18.
> Shekhar
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Parthasarathy Sampathkumar <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Uma,
>> The water pictured in W12-1.jpg: could this be a potential metal ion? If
>> you flip the side chain on Asn at 3.08Angstrom, then this has 3 or 4
>> coordination with oxygen atoms. So, provided your crystallization condition
>> or buffer contains metal ion(s), you could attempt to see if it fits better
>> with a refinement cycle.
>> May be a similar situation with the water described in W11-1.jpg as well?
>> Difficult to say from these figures.
>> COOT within the "validate" wizard has an option to search for
>> "hihgly-coordinated waters" like the one you have pictured.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Partha
>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Uma Ratu <> wrote:
>>> Dear Roger:
>>> Thank you very much for your comments. I use them as guideline and
>>> remove many 'false waters".
>>> Still, I am not clear of some of these 'waters' are real or not. I have
>>> the pic attached.
>>> In Pic-W11-1, the 'water' is connected to the adjust residues with 4
>>> contacts, which are 'N' or 'O' atoms. I would consider this 'water' is
>>> false. My question is: if these 4 contacts include "C" from residues, will
>>> it be a polar contact or not?
>>> In Pic-W12-1, the 'water' is connected to the adjust residues with 3
>>> contacts. The 4th is to another 'water'.
>>> Will this 'water' is true or not? Similar case is seen in Pic-W190-1
>>> In Pic-W109-1, some 'waters' are connected to adjust residues, some not.
>>> Are these 'water' true or not?
>>> Further more,
>>>  > and the b-factors are not way out of line,
>>> I am not clear on how to define "out of line".
>>> How to find b-factor of individual residue in Coot? I search the web,
>>> but find no answer.
>>> Thank you for advice
>>> Uma
>>>  On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Roger Rowlett <>wrote:
>>>> Uma,
>>>> Remember that your structure, ultimately, is a model. A model is your
>>>> best judgment of the true representation of the protein structure in your
>>>> crystal. Your model should make chemical sense. Coot is pretty good at
>>>> placing waters, but it cannot substitute entirely for the experimentalist.
>>>> Coot will miss some waters, and mis-assign others into weak, unmodeled or
>>>> alternate side- or main-chain density, or into density that might be
>>>> attributable to cations and anions or other crystallization materials. Your
>>>> waters should be subjected to inspection and verification. It is really
>>>> helpful to turn on environment distances in Coot when you do this. Even in
>>>> a large protein model, it is possible to inspect all waters for
>>>> reasonableness pretty quickly. If you have no significant positive or
>>>> negative difference density, and the b-factors are not way out of line, and
>>>> hydrogen bonding partners are reasonable, then modeling a water is probably
>>>> a good call.
>>>> Waters should have hydrogen bonding partners with side chains or
>>>> main-chain polar atoms, within reasonable distances, or be withing hydrogen
>>>> bonding distance of other waters that are (chains of waters). If a "water"
>>>> has strong electron density and more than 4 polar contacts, you might
>>>> consider anion or cation occupancy. Most anions and cations will have
>>>> higher electron density, and appropriately different types of polar
>>>> contacts. (e.g. you might find sulfates near a cluster of basic residues).
>>>> Low occupancy anions can often look a lot like water. PEGs can create ugly
>>>> "snakes" of variable density that may be challenging to model. Modeling
>>>> non-protein structural bits is endlessly entertaining for the protein
>>>> crystallographer. ;)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> _______________________________________
>>>> Roger S. Rowlett
>>>> Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
>>>> Department of Chemistry
>>>> Colgate University
>>>> 13 Oak Drive
>>>> Hamilton, NY 13346
>>>> tel: (315)-228-7245
>>>> ofc: (315)-228-7395
>>>> fax: (315)-228-7935
>>>> email:
>>>> On 3/7/2012 11:20 AM, Uma Ratu wrote:
>>>> Dear All:
>>>> I try to add water to my model.
>>>> Here is how I did:
>>>> Coot: Find Wates
>>>>                  Map: FWT PHWT;  1.8 rmsd; Distances to protein atoms:
>>>> 2.4 min/3.2 max
>>>> Coot found 270 water molecules.
>>>> I then examed these waters. Most of them had ball shape. Some had two
>>>> or more balls together. Some had irregular shape (not glabol shape).
>>>> I run Water Check. The program did not find any mis-matched water.
>>>> Here is my question: how could I tell the waters are real? Or something
>>>> else?
>>>> Thank you for advice
>>>> Ros
> --
> Shekhar C. Mande (शेखर चिं मांडे)
> Director, National Centre for Cell Science
> Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007
> Email:,
> Phone: +91-20-25708120
> Fax:+91-20-25692259

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