The Macromolecular Diffraction Facility of the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron
Source (MacCHESS) has an opening for a Staff Scientist (Research Associate) to
pursue the development of novel techniques in x-ray scattering as applied to
structural biology, and to support users at MacCHESS. There will also be
opportunities to pursue projects in structural biology, using current
crystallographic and SAXS methods. Research areas of particular interest
include structure solution from multiple crystals, use of Laue diffraction,
BioSAXS, microfluidics, and user interfaces for beamline operation. A Ph.D. in
structural biology, biophysics, or a related field, and at least 3 years of
experience beyond the degree in a relevant field is required. A solid
publication record is essential, and experience working at a synchrotron
facility is highly desirable. Excellent communication skills are a must,
including fluency in the English language. Appointments are nominally for three
years with the possibility for renewal, subject to mutual satisfaction and the
availability of funds.
Located on an Ivy League university campus in picturesque upstate New York, the
Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) serves a world-wide user base of
structural biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers. MacCHESS is an
NIH-supported National Resource providing support for structural biology at
CHESS. MacCHESS is a heavily team-oriented environment.
Please provide an application and have at least three letters of reference sent
Dr. Marian Szebenyi, Chair
MacCHESS Staff Scientist Search Committee
c/o Peggy Steenrod
Newman Laboratory
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA
Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vita, a publication list,
and a detailed summary of research experience and interests. Electronic
submissions and inquiries may be addressed to Salary
and starting date are negotiable.
Cornell is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.