Hi -
Here at the NKI, we had formed a committee to look at ELN solution two
years ago.
We had interviewed three vendors, and run two tests with twenty users.
A brief description of the outcome:
1. None of the twenty test-users was satisfied with any of the two
solutions - and each was annoyed for a different reason.
2. If that would work at all, better be prepared to dedicate one
person for technical support (unless security considerations
allow you to have cloud-based usage or remote hosting) and another
person for scientific support (making templates for
experiments - else in a year you would have 37 templates for how to
run a gel filtration column).
I would add, that for the whole thing to work at all you need an IT
department that are really good and collaborative,
and especially for cloud-based solutions you need a fast network.
My personal conclusion - and not that of the NKI which continues to be
dedicated to implementing an ELN solution may
I clarify - was that I have wasted enough time, and I quit from the
committee before Christmas.
And, with no offense as well to my friends in the PiMS project,
besides spending time and resources on that between 2004-2008,
I also do not think that this is a solution for small lab like mine -
admittedly it works well for bigger and better organized labs.
Sorry for the negative vibes.
On Jan 16, 2012, at 22:28, Seiji Sugiman-Marangos wrote:
Hi, off-topic question regarding electronic laboratory notebooks. Our
lab is planning on moving from paper to digital record keeping and I
was wondering which of the available ELN platforms are being used by
the ccp4 community.
We are primarily a crystallography lab but we would also need some
versatility in the platform as some of our lab members are more
on biochemistry.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to
Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis, Principal Investigator / Staff Member
Department of Biochemistry (B8)
Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Dept. B8, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 512 1951 Fax: +31 20 512 1954 Mobile / SMS: +31 6 28 597791