PiMS (Protein information Management System) is free for installation for academic use, and available at no extra charge to CCP4 licencees. There is also a hosted PiMS service provided by Instruct for all European academics.
Here is the description of PiMS, from http://pims.structuralbiology.eu/ : "PiMS is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) developed to support the unpredictable workflows of Molecular biology and Protein production labs of all sizes. PiMS has features to support work on ORF Targets and Complexes, including primer design, cloning, expression and protein purification. PiMS records data for Targets, Constructs, Samples and Experiments. Customized workflows are created with Protocols -configurable, reusable Experiment templates. PiMS supports multi-site collaborations. PiMS is accessed through a web browser, requiring no installation on the individual user's computers." ____________________________________________ Chris Morris chris.mor...@stfc.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)1925 603689 Fax: +44 (0)1925 603634 Mobile: 07921-717915 Skype: chrishgmorris http://pims.structuralbiology.eu/ http://www.citeulike.org/blog/chrishmorris Daresbury Lab, Daresbury, Warrington, UK, WA4 4AD