
This hasn't been mentioned by the people who have answered so far so here we 
go: your molecular replacement solution and your SeMet solution to the phase 
are not necessarily using the same origin. There is a ccp4 program (is it 
phistats ? and there may be other programs around) that can deal with this.


> Message du 15/11/11 22:56
> De : "Feng Guo" 
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [ccp4bb] Can I combine selenoMet data and MR model to solve the phase 
> problem?
> Hi, there,
> Maybe someone asked this question before, but I couldn't find it in the 
> archive. 
> We use the native data to do molecular replacement before, but only part of 
> the model fit the density. After collect a new set of selenoMet data, we try 
> to use it to 
solve the phase, it solve some of the phase problem other than the MR, but 
still not complete. Is there anyway that I can somehow combine the two phases 
Thank you.
> Best, 
> Feng

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