I checked back and the 1992 format decscription did not use
columns 77 - 80 for ATOM/HETATM records.  But the 1996 document
did use them.  I then checked the old Newsletters and the proposed
use of columns 77 - 80 was discussed in April 1995.


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On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, Ian Tickle wrote:

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Eleanor Dodson <c...@ysbl.york.ac.uk> wrote:

      So the ATOM TYPE has ZN O C S etc in column 77/78 and the +2 etc in

      Is there any documentation for this?


Yes, see: ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/doc/format_descriptions/Format_v33_A4.pdf

Though this has been the format for ATOM/HETATM records ever since I can


-- Ian

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