If you can reproduce the crystals and have the material 1. Harvest several large crystals. 2. Make several transfers to fresh mother liquor to wash. 3. Dissolve in DNA loading dye without SDS 4. Run on a native gel (e.g. 6% polyacrylamide, 0.5XTBE, etc.). 5. Include positive control lanes for protein, DNA, and complex. 6. Stain with ETBr. Take a picture. 7. Wash out the ethidium in accordance with state, local, federal, UN, laws, filling out the proper documentation ad nauseum. Take a safety class just to be sure you didn't miss something. Hug a bureaucrat. 8. Stain with coomassie. Take a picture.
That should tell you more than you need to know. James On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:36 PM, zq deng wrote: > Hi all, > . > recently,I got a crystal of protein-DNA crystal.i used silver stainto prove > that it is a protein crystal.Does anyone have method to detect if there is > DNA in the crystal. > any suggestion will be appreciated. > > Regards, > deng