I've bitched enough about all things Mac, but this one's just too good to pass on (from the article that Peter linked to):

"The fundamental issue here is Lion's assumption that you don't know what you're doing, and it's going to ensure you're protected from cock-ups that, in your ignorance, you may make."

The first half of that sentence has always been my major gripe with Mac OS. If there just were a Pro version for those that know what they're doing, but the iPadification of computing goes exactly the opposite way.


On 19/09/2011 9:58, Peter Keller wrote:
On Fri, 2011-09-16 at 06:37 -0700, William G. Scott wrote:

If you update to 10.7, keep a clone of 10.6 just in case it drives you nuts.  
There are all sorts of perverse changes, and (unlike the reversal in scrolling 
direction) not a lot of over-ride options.

I guess this is one of them:

How Apple's Lion won't let you trash documents
The operating system for the nanny state?


One of the reasons why I'm sticking with Snow Lepoard for now....


        Andreas Förster, Research Associate
        Paul Freemont & Xiaodong Zhang Labs
Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College London

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