Postdoctoral position in protein crystallography in the group of Dr Marko Hyvonen, at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, to develop chemical tools against signalling proteins using fragment-based drug discovery methods. The post is part of a Wellcome Trust funded, multi-disciplinary programme between Departments of Biochemistry (Dr Marko Hyvonen Prof Tom Blundell) Chemistry (Prof Chris Abell and Dr David Spring) and the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre (Prof Ashok Venkitaraman and Dr Grahame McKenzie).

Experience in all aspects of protein crystallography from construct design to structure refinement is essential. Experience with high-throughput crystallography, scripting and automation of crystallographic work-flow is highly desirable, experience with biophysical techniques such as ITC and Biacore advantage.

Further details at

Informal enquires to Marko Hyvonen by email:


 Marko Hyvonen
 Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge
 tel:    +44-(0)1223-766 044
 mobile: +44-(0)7796-174 877
 fax:    +44-(0)1223-766 002

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