Dear All,

We are happy to announce the release of ARP/wARP version 7.2. Please
visit for details, software download or remote
submission of protein model building.

The major implementations and improvements are:

 * The functionality of the graphics front-end, Arp Navigator, has been
   considerably extended.
 * Auto-NCS detection coupled with enhanced protein chain tracing helps
   obtain more complete models, particularly at resolution lower than
   2.5 A.
 * Automated ligand building can screen a cocktail of candidates and
   has an option to model bound ligands that are partially ordered.
 * Supported computer platforms are Mac powerpc, Mac Intel and Linux
   (including 32 and 64-bit versions).
 * The ARP/wARP installer has been updated on all platforms so that its
   use should be simpler for the users. Users of Mac OSX Intel can also
   download and install a native application packaged in a DMG file.
 * There should be full compatibility of ARP/wARP 7.2 with with CCP4
   6.1.13 and Refmac 5.5.0109.

Victor and Tassos on behalf of the ARP/wARP developers.

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