Hi All,

Recently I did some soaking experiments for crystals. Most of them did not
change their space group (I222). But one of them seems to be a little bit
different (I222 ---> I121).
The following is the pointless data: (the data was processed by Mosflm under
space group I222)

   Laue Group        Lklhd   NetZc  Zc+   Zc-    CC    CC-  Rmeas   R-
Delta ReindexOperator

> 1  I 1 2/m 1  **   0.687   2.55  8.25  5.71   0.83  0.57   0.32  0.52
0.0 [-h,-k,l]
> 2       P -1       0.171   2.02  8.54  6.52   0.85  0.65   0.32  0.45
0.0 [-h,-k,1/2h+1/2k+1/2l]
- 3    I m m m       0.050   6.98  6.98  0.00   0.70  0.00   0.42  0.00
0.0 [h,k,l]
  4  I 1 2/m 1       0.050   0.22  7.09  6.87   0.71  0.69   0.42  0.42
0.0 [k,-h,l]
  5  I 1 2/m 1       0.043   0.06  7.05  6.99   0.70  0.70   0.42  0.42
0.0 [h,-l,k]

Best Solution:    space group I 1 2 1

   Reindex operator:                  [-h,-k,l]
   Laue group probability:             0.687
   Systematic absence probability:     1.000
   Total probability:                  0.687
   Space group confidence:             0.595
   Laue group confidence               0.595

   Unit cell:   104.1  108.6  264.8        90     90     90

   54.32 to   3.41   - Resolution range used for Laue group search

   54.32 to   2.25   - Resolution range in file, used for systematic absence

   Number of batches in file:    400

The data do not appear to be twinned, from the L-test

The chosen output crystal system is different from that used for integration
of the input file(s).
You should rerun the integration in the chosen crystal system because the
cell constraints differ.

The input crystal system is body-centred orthorhombic
 (Cell:   104.1  108.6  264.8        90     90     90)
The crystal system chosen for output is body-centred monoclinic
 (Cell:   104.1  108.6  264.8        90     90     90)

I couldn't see the difference between I222 and I121. May I ask do I need to
go back to the Mosflm process step and choose other space group for the
processing? Thank you.

King regards,

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