
where did you install CCP4? from the path of your setup-script it seems like
to be in the root (/) ?  It looks like the problem I posted some days before
but probably being buried in the middle of the other thread. Since it's more
related to this topic so I paste it again, hoping that it can solve your

I recently found the problem that after finishing the installation of
CCP4-6.2.0 on RHEL5, if the installation destination is not the default path
(/usr/local/), the ccp4.setup for csh wouldn't take the customized TCLTK
path correctly. No matter if I used sh or csh to install the CCP4 package.
This would result in programs using wish failed to start (e.g., ccp4i) from
csh. Perhaps it's also related to the issue in this thread.

The way to solve this problem is to manually edit the ccp4.setup for csh and
correct the TCLTK path. If you have no idea you can just copy the correct
one in the ccp4.setup for sh.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 9:08 PM, Yuri <yuri.pom...@ufl.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have just downloaded and installed the ccp4-6.2.0.
> It says all I should do next is source the /setup-scripts/csh/ccp4.setup
> file... I have done that, but I cannot launch the program...
> Any help is welcome...(it is probably something really stupid on my
> part...)
> Best,

Wei-Chun Kao, MSc.
TEL: +49-761-203-5277

Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg im Breisgau
Stefan-Meier-Str. 17
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

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