Dear Afshan

Make sure that group name for CME is peptide (or L-peptide).  In the new version CME is peptide. I am not sure it was the case in older versions. I attach CME as a peptide. You can add this into your dictionary.

Then CME can become part of a peptde. It would also be good to remove all the link records in the beginning of refmac. 


Attachment: CME.cif
Description: Binary data

On 21 Jul 2011, at 16:13, Afshan Begum wrote:

Dear all,

I have facing one problem during the refinement of my protein . Actually in my protein  there are some modified amino acids are present  like Cystein is modified into CME which i can get easily from monomer libraray in coot . but after refinement in Pdb text file  indicated some gaps while in the structures there are no gap in between these amino acids so if any one suggest me what to do. I would appreciate your kind suggestions.

LINKR            GLU A 142                     LEU A 144                gap    
LINKR            SER A 328                     GLY A 330                gap    
LINKR            LEU A 138                     GLU A 140                gap    
LINKR            GLU A 126                     ASP A 130                gap    
LINKR            SER A 246                     GLY A 248                gap    

Many thanks for your time

Best regards


Garib N Murshudov 
Structural Studies Division
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road 

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