External structure atomic bond distance restraints for use in refmac are 
generated using ProSMART. 
The webpage is here: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/mxstat/Rob/index.html 

Email me if you want a pre-release version. 

On 9 Jul 2011, at 18:00, Robbie Joosten wrote:

> Hi Qixu,
> In CCP4i the option is in the refinement parameters: 
> Use hydrogen atoms: ["build all hydrogens"] and [] output to coordinate file
> What is does is build all hydrogens at the expected coordinates and constrain 
> them in refinement (i.e. adding hydrogens does not add extra parameters to 
> the model). The effect on explaining your experminetal data is typically 
> small, but the hydrogens help with the VdW restraints. In effect they reduce 
> the number of bumps and improve your torsion angles.
> You can use a reference structure to generate external restraints:
> http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~garib/refmac/data/refmac_news.html#External
> I hope someone else on the BB can explain how. I think it is also explained 
> in the talk and tutorials of the Refmac website.
> HTH,
> Robbie
> ________________________________
>> From: caiq...@gmail.com 
>> Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 00:44:25 +0800 
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] low resolution refinement 
>> To: robbie_joos...@hotmail.com 
>> CC: CCP4BB@jiscmail.ac.uk 
>> Hi, 
>> Thank you for your suggestion. 
>> Could you tell me what is "riding hydrogens"? 
>> And it seems there is not "reference model" function in refmac5.6? 
>> 2011/7/9 Robbie Joosten 
>> <robbie_joos...@hotmail.com<mailto:robbie_joos...@hotmail.com>> 
>> Dear Qixu, 
>> refamac 5.6 works well at these resolutions. You can add commands to 
>> your refinement in CCP4i by using the 'Run and view command script' (or 
>> something like that) option and just typing in the extra commands. 
>> Jelly-body has worked very well for me (although I use tigheter 
>> restraints than the default). Also local NCS works well (provided you 
>> have NCS). I never used reference structures, but I heared good things 
>> about it. Don't forget to use riding hydrogens, for some reason it is 
>> not the deafault. 
>> Perhaps you should also switch of the automatic X-ray weighting in 
>> favour of optimizing the matrix weight yourself (start with 0.05 and 
>> compare refinements for higher and lower values). 
>> HTH, 
>> Robbie 
>> ---------------------------------------- 
>>> Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 16:59:29 +0800 
>>> From: caiq...@gmail.com<mailto:caiq...@gmail.com> 
>>> Subject: [ccp4bb] low resolution refinement 
>>> Dear all, 
>>> Recently, I refine two low resolution structures in refmac 5.5. Their 
>>> resolutions are 3A and 3.5A respectively. 
>>> For 3A structure, after MR by phaser and rigidbody refinement&restraint 
>>> refinement by refmac5.5, I got R factor 25% and R free 35%. And then 
>>> each time, after my model building in coot and restraint refinement by 
>>> refmac 5.5, the R factor stays 25%, but R free increases to 38%, even 39%. 
>>> For 3.5A structure, the R factor stays 27%, but R free increases from 
>>> 37% to 42% after my slightly model building in coot. 
>>> Could you help me to find the reason? 
>>> Maybe the reason is the overfit of the structure? I found that new 
>>> version of refmac 5.6 has many new features for low resolution 
>>> refinement, such as jelly boy, secondary structure restraints. But I 
>>> don't know how to use these new features in old version ccp4i (6.1.13)? 
>>> I also used phenix.refine with the "reference model" ( I have high 
>>> resolution model for one domain of the low resolution protein) and 
>>> "secondary structure restraints", but it seams the same. Any suggestion? 
>>> BTW, is that simulator annealing not suitable for low resolution 
>>> structure? I used the simulator annealing method of CNS and 
>>> phenix.refine, but the geometry of the structure is always destroyed 
>>> seriously. 
>>> Could you help me? 
>>> Thank you very much! 

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