Dear Members,

I have my first data set on one of my protein crystals, that  diffract to
2.7 A, and the space group is I222. According to Mathews coefficient, there
should be 4 molecules in the asymmetric unit. But, when I run molecular
replacement programme  it found only 3, and the crystal packing is not that
good. I have 100% similar model. And Ref mac gave me an  Rfree of 46%. Could
any one of you please suggest me how to go further with this problem?
Looking forward to hear from you.

Best Regards

Edukondalu Mullapudi

Edukondalu Mullapudi
PhD Student
Molecular Host-Pathogen Interactions (MHPI)
Division of Structural Biology (SB)
Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
Inhoffenstr. 7
38124 Braunschweig

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