Dear All

I tried to make a stereo picture using Raster3D installed on a linux box with 
the following command:
stereo3d -tiff xxx.tif < xxx.r3d

but got an error message:
stereo3d: normal3d seems to be OK
stereo3d: rendering left eye view
stereo3d: rendering right eye view
stereo3d: joining left and right images
montage: missing an image filename `/usr/tmp/16143_stereo3d.tiff'.
Stereo image size x
mv: cannot stat `/usr/tmp/16143_stereo3d.tiff': No such file or directory

No stereo image of xxx.tif was output, instead, it produced a file called 
render.tif in the working directory which is not a stereo one. Interestingly, 
the same xxx.r3d input file worked fine with "render", indicating the input 
file itself is OK.

Then I tried to make a PNG image:  stereo3d < name.r3d > name.png
it gave the following information:
stereo3d: normal3d seems to be OK
stereo3d: rendering left eye view
stereo3d: rendering right eye view
stereo3d: joining left and right images
Stereo image size 500x500

The message looked fine, and the produced picture in the working directory 
seemed to have correct image size of 1000X500, but the image showed nothing 
except plain grey background. 

Your help is appreciated.


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