On 10/03/11 14:19, James Hall wrote:
> Dear CCP4BB
> I have been refining a structure in Refmac and I would like to report an
> average B value for the solvent, ligand and DNA chain seperatly.
> However, I cant this information in the Refmac log or .pdb file. Is
> there a program/option I can use to calculate the B factors for parts of
> the model?

There’s BAVERAGE in CCP4—in CCP4i it’s under the “Structure Analysis”
tab. It should work as long as your different components are separate
chains in the PDB file.

Ian Clifton                   Phone: +44 1865 275677
Chemistry Research Laboratory Fax:   +44 1865 285002
Oxford University             ian.clif...@chem.ox.ac.uk
Mansfield Road   Oxford OX1 3TA   UK

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