Dear all

this is *really* embarrassing for me. It's just been pointed out to me (and also demonstrated...) that this script won't produce the predictions as I suggested it would. In order to make an image with the predictions on, you need an extra line in the script -

matrix r3.mat
symm r3
image hg_001.mar1600
xgui on


create_image type ppm prediction on binary true filename junk.ppm

Thanks to the anonymous user (still wearing shorts, even in February...) who pointed this out!

On 8 Dec 2010, at 16:16, Harry Powell wrote:

Hi Keitaro

perhaps we should discuss this discreetly off-board!

Yes, you can make a picture on the command-line with prediction boxes. I do it frequently.

If I take one of our example HypF images (see autostruct/testdata/mosflm/hg_images.tar), then on the command line I can -

matrix r3.mat
symm r3
image hg_001.mar1600
xgui on
create_image type ppm prediction on binary true filename junk.ppm

where "r3.mat" is a matrix file produced from indexing with Mosflm and contains -

 -0.00443809 -0.00922337  0.02048824
 -0.01923344  0.01406363  0.00304649
 -0.00630639 -0.01210521  0.00058584
       0.000       0.000       0.000
  -0.2141751  -0.5582786   0.8015324
  -0.9281747   0.3719797   0.0110743
  -0.3043363  -0.7415902  -0.5978489
62.0720 62.0720 62.0720 56.3041 56.3041 56.3041
       0.000       0.000       0.000

and I get an image (converted to a jpg to reduce bandwidth hogging) -

On 8 Dec 2010, at 16:03, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:

Dear Harry,

Do you mean that it cannot be done in command line to make picture
with prediction boxes?
I wrote input file for ipmosflm,  by which I had only to click
"Predict" to see the predictions on GUI.
(I wrote matrix, symmetry and mosaic spread information in the input file!)

Or, how can I get the predictions on the images in command line?

Thank you very much,

K. Yamashita

2010/12/9 Harry Powell <>:
Hi Keitaro

You should get the predictions on the images using Mosflm if you supply a matrix & spacegroup. Running the "create_image" part after indexing in iMosflm means that the matrix, symmetry and mosaic spread are all available, so it can be easier doing it this way.

There's a very old script under our "FAQ" page for producing a series of images - see FAQ.html#movie

On 8 Dec 2010, at 14:54, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:

Dear Boaz and Harry,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

As pointed out by Harry, I think it is difficult to automatically make
a picture of spots labeled with their indexes..

But I have never known that iMosflm could accept the commands of ipmosflm.
I'm glad to hear that and it worked very fine.

But when I did the same thing in ipmosflm input file, I got the
picture *without* prediction boxes (only copy of diffraction image).
Of course I input MATRIX file.

This is the end of output of ipmosflm:

NeoCtrl => Image will be written to file image.ppm
invert = 0, theta = 0, wide = 3072
NeoCtrl =>***************************************************************** ***************
At the beginning of CONTROL, the arguments have these values:
MODE:    0
******************************************************************* *************


*********** END OF PROCESSING *****************

I'm using Mosflm 7.0.6.
Since I'd like to automatically make pictures of several frames with
prediction boxes, so I'm trying to do that in ipmosflm.

Thank you for advice in advance,

K. Yamashita

2010/12/8 Harry Powell <>:
Hi Keitaro

Mosflm has been able to output jpegs with predictions for many years - it can also output ppm files (which are not compressed in a lossy way, so probably better for zooming in or converting to other formats). However, you'd need to add the indices to the prediction boxes manually - I don't know a really robust way to automate putting them in in sensible places with sensible font sizes etc. for all possible cells.

iMosflm (i.e. the new GUI) itself doesn't have the widgets to do this, but if you run an iMosflm job and get at least as far as having indexed and estimated (or entered) a mosaicity do the following;

* go to the "History" task
* click on "Log" (to bring up the light green on green log display)
* left mouse click in the display
* <Ctrl>-k to bring up the command entry line
* enter the following commands

       image <image number of the image you want to plot>
       xgui on
create_image type ppm prediction on binary true filename image.ppm (creates a ppm)
create_image prediction on binary true filename image.jpg (creates a jpeg, default)
       return (redirects input back to the normal Mosflm commands)

It's also possible to do this from the normal Mosflm command line or put it in a batch file - I often do this to prepare a set of images for movies.

On 8 Dec 2010, at 05:31, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:

Dear all,

I would like to make a picture of diffraction photograph with (hkl) indexes.

I found it in Fig. 1 in the paper: Acta Cryst. (2009). D65, 553-559
Direct link to the figure: dz5158fig1.html

Can LABELIT, Mosflm or other program make image file (jpg or
something) such like that?

Thank you very much in advance,

K. Yamashita

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Dr Harry Powell,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road,

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