Dear Harry,

Do you mean that it cannot be done in command line to make picture
with prediction boxes?
I wrote input file for ipmosflm,  by which I had only to click
"Predict" to see the predictions on GUI.
(I wrote matrix, symmetry and mosaic spread information in the input file!)

Or, how can I get the predictions on the images in command line?

Thank you very much,

K. Yamashita

2010/12/9 Harry Powell <>:
> Hi Keitaro
> You should get the predictions on the images using Mosflm if you supply a 
> matrix & spacegroup. Running the "create_image" part after indexing in 
> iMosflm means that the matrix, symmetry and mosaic spread are all available, 
> so it can be easier doing it this way.
> There's a very old script under our "FAQ" page for producing a series of 
> images - see
> On 8 Dec 2010, at 14:54, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:
>> Dear Boaz and Harry,
>> Thank you very much for your suggestions.
>> As pointed out by Harry, I think it is difficult to automatically make
>> a picture of spots labeled with their indexes..
>> But I have never known that iMosflm could accept the commands of ipmosflm.
>> I'm glad to hear that and it worked very fine.
>> But when I did the same thing in ipmosflm input file, I got the
>> picture *without* prediction boxes (only copy of diffraction image).
>> Of course I input MATRIX file.
>> This is the end of output of ipmosflm:
>> NeoCtrl => Image will be written to file image.ppm
>> invert = 0, theta = 0, wide = 3072
>> NeoCtrl 
>> =>********************************************************************************
>> At the beginning of CONTROL, the arguments have these values:
>> MODE:    0
>> ********************************************************************************
>> MOSFLM =>
>> *********** END OF PROCESSING *****************
>> I'm using Mosflm 7.0.6.
>> Since I'd like to automatically make pictures of several frames with
>> prediction boxes, so I'm trying to do that in ipmosflm.
>> Thank you for advice in advance,
>> K. Yamashita
>> 2010/12/8 Harry Powell <>:
>>> Hi Keitaro
>>> Mosflm has been able to output jpegs with predictions for many years -  it 
>>> can also output ppm files (which are not compressed in a lossy way, so 
>>> probably better for zooming in or converting to other formats). However, 
>>> you'd need to add the indices to the prediction boxes manually - I don't 
>>> know a really robust way to automate putting them in in sensible places 
>>> with sensible font sizes etc. for all possible cells.
>>> iMosflm (i.e. the new GUI)  itself doesn't have the widgets to do this, but 
>>> if you run an iMosflm job and get at least as far as having indexed and 
>>> estimated (or entered) a mosaicity do the following;
>>> * go to the "History" task
>>> * click on "Log" (to bring up the light green on green log display)
>>> * left mouse click in the display
>>> * <Ctrl>-k to bring up the command entry line
>>> * enter the following commands
>>>        image <image number of the image you want to plot>
>>>        xgui on
>>>        go
>>>        create_image type ppm prediction on binary true filename image.ppm 
>>> (creates a ppm)
>>> or
>>>        create_image prediction on binary true filename image.jpg (creates a 
>>> jpeg, default)
>>> then
>>>        return (redirects input back to the normal Mosflm commands)
>>> It's also possible to do this from the normal Mosflm command line or put it 
>>> in a batch file - I often do this to prepare a set of images for movies.
>>> On 8 Dec 2010, at 05:31, Keitaro Yamashita wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I would like to make a picture of diffraction photograph with (hkl) 
>>>> indexes.
>>>> I found it in Fig. 1 in the paper: Acta Cryst. (2009). D65, 553-559
>>>> Direct link to the figure:
>>>> Can LABELIT, Mosflm or other program make image file (jpg or
>>>> something) such like that?
>>>> Thank you very much in advance,
>>>> K. Yamashita
>>> Harry
>>> --
>>> Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills 
>>> Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH
> Harry
> --
> Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, 
> Cambridge, CB2 0QH

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