Have you tried both the P43 and P41 space groups? I ask because you said you got a solution in P43 but the likely space group is P4122. If the likely space group is really P4122 (and not P4322), the corresponding space group is P41, not P43.
Sue On Feb 7, 2011, at 3:49 AM, Md. Munan Shaik wrote: > Dear all, > I have a question regarding the refinement and density map. > > My protein is 261 amino acids long and crystalize very nicely with very high > resolution . There is no multiple spot in the image and diffraction looks > amazing. I collected a dataset at 1.38 resolution and the space group is P43, > overall Rmerg is 0.02 (most likely the space group is P4122, but then the > solvent content is less than 16% for one molecule in the assymmetric unit, > that are unlikely), so I processed the image in P4 (36% solvent) and run > molecular replacement with a model that have 42 sequence identity. I got a > solution in P43 that are good enough in some part but in the map there are > many gap at even lower sigma level. I tried to refine and Rfree stacked at 36 > along with Rwork, which is 33. > > I also checked the degradation patteren of the protein in the crystal and it > looks not degraded and full length protein crystalize. > > Is there anybody can suggest me anything that I can try? > > > > Regards, > > Md. Munan Shaik > PhD Student > Department of Biotehnology > School of Bioscience and Biotechnology > via G. Colombo 03 > Padova 35131, Italy > Mobile: 00393275671896 > E-mail: munanbt2...@yahoo.com > munan.sh...@unipd.it > > > Dr. Sue A. Roberts Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Arizona 1041 E. Lowell St., Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: 520 621 8171 s...@email.arizona.edu http://www.biochem.arizona.edu/xray